Hufrey Eyrys, of Campden, dated and proved at Gloucester, 1546:
To be buried in the churchyard.
To the high altar 4d.
To the bells 4d.
To John Eyrys and Joan, his son and daughter, his loombys (looms) and his shop gerys (gear) that "belongeth to his occupation."
To the church house a tabutte borde, the beet that lyeth in his chamber over his shop, and 4d. for a piece of tymbr that he had to make him a cloth bemme (the roller in a loom taking up the cloth as it is woven).
His wife to have his mill at Blockley and sole executrix. Witnesses: Rog. Crosse, Rich. Nobulle, Wm. Hylle, Sir Richd. Banysur. his ghoedy father.
The testator was evidently a weaver. "He had to make him.." etc., is still current grammar (1911) with the lower classes locally.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me Francis Ellis of Campden in the County of Gloucester thread manufacturer. I give devise and bequeat unto my dear wife Mary all my real and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever to hold the same and to receive the rents issues profits and produce thereof for and during the term of her natural life or so long as she shall continue my widow for her own sole use benefit and advantage and on either the events of her death or second marriage I give devise and bequeath unto my eldest Son John the house and premises with the orchard and appurtenances in Campden aforesaid in which I now reside together with my said business of a thread manufacturer and all the benefit and advantage to be derived therefrom with all the tools implements and utensils used therein to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever. Then I give devise and bequeath unto my son Richard Ellis after the death or second marriage of my said wife the sum of two hundred pounds and all my estate right title and interest in the house and premises in Littleworth Lane in Campden aforesaid now in the occupation of Mary Stanley to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever. Then I give and bequeath to my two daughters Sarah and Mary Ellis the interest of the sum of two hundred pounds each for their respective lives and the interest of the sum of four hundred pounds to the survivor of them and after their deaths I give and bequeath the principal of their respective shares equally to their respective issue (in case they leave any) but in case of one or both of them dying without lawful issue then I give and bequeath the principal of their respective legacies of two hundred pounds and two hundred pounds or as the case may be equally to be divided among my then surviving children. Also I give and bequeath to my said daughters Sarah and Mary Ellis the use and occupation of the little cottage adjoining the house in(?) which I now reside (and in which their grandmother Stanley now lives) during their respective lives or during such time as they respectively shall remain single and from and after their marriage or deaths while single I give devise and bequeath the said last mentioned cottage unto my son William his heirs and assigns for ever. Then I give and bequeath to my said son William after the death or second marriage of my said wife the sum of two hundred pounds. Then I give and bequeath to my sister Sarah Eden after the death or second marriage of my said wife the sum of five pounds. Then I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Ellis or to his heirs (in case he should die in my lifetime) the sum of five pounds. And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament whereof I appoint my said wife whole and sole Executrix. In Witness wherof I the said Francis Ellis have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of paper at the bottom of the first sheet thereof set my hand and to this second sheet my hand and seal this third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Francis Ellis £5. Signed sealed published and declared by the said Francis Ellis the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the interlineation of the words ‘and the interest of the sum of four hundred pounds to the survivor of them’ between the ninteenth and twentieth lines of the first sheet hereof being first made therein.
S. Montague Whitehorn. Thomas Franklin. Robert Guthrie.
(the inserted line that is mentioned at the end has been inserted at the right place in the transcription)
Note from Henry Ellis Ward who transcribed the Will from the parchment in his possession:
To the Will is attached a seal which appears to be that of the eclesiastical court of Gloucester (in those days responsible, I believe, for probate). The seal bears a shield divided vertically into two halves, the left half contaning the crossed keys of St Peter, the right half a number of very small figures that might be birds or fishes. I have so far only managed to decipher, reading downwards on the right, ‘The seal of Ed(??? Tho March) Phillips’ and upwards on the left ‘A M (?? C P) (illegible) Gloucester.
The parchment bears on the back the words: ‘Probate of the Will of Francis Ellis late of Campden’ and is hand stamped: FOURTH DIVIDEND 1s 8d paid and FINAL DIVIDEND 4/- in the pound paid
Judith’s notes:
1. Dividend paid does this mean that between the will being drawn up in 1816 and Francis’s death in 1820 he lost a lot of money, and only a proportion was paid out? Certainly Richard Stanley Ellis does not seem to have been well off he lived at the National School and then the Almshouses.
Probate was granted in 1820, but I have not yet found a probate inventory of possessions.
2. Francis’s wife was Mary Stanley, yet a Mary Stanley???? was also living in a house in Littleworth Lane - widow of Mary’s brother?
Donated by Judith Marsh ju-marsh@primex.co.uk |
Noted Wills:
Wm. Eyers.
Hen. Ecklestone.
1625--Thos. Edon.
1683--Rich. Eden.
1690--Lucas or Luke Emme.
1697--T'hos. Eden.
1737--Edwd. Edwards
1741--Rich. Eden.
1743--Wm. Eden.
Broad Campden:
Berrington: |