1242 Vincent de Abergavenny
(Vincent de Bergavenny, Achidiaconas Wigorn fuit Rector de Blockley, Ano. Dni. 1242)
1270 Lucien de Cormeilles
(Lucianus de Cormites institutus fuit Rector hujus Parochiae 4 Non : Apr : 1270)
1279 Gregory de Caerwent (Gregorius de Kayrwent) died at Rome
1280 Philip de Crofta (Croft)
1291 William de Grinefeld (Greenfield)
1294 Peter de Escot
1295 Bartolomeo di Ferentino
1310 Benedict de Paston
1330 Armand de Roseto
1330 Gerard de Pristinio
1332 Bishop of Porto, in Italy - last of the Papal provisors to Blockley
1878-1919 Canon E. J. Houghton
Henry Bromfield
1366 John de Riddlyngton
1408 William Dud[?ley]
1419 Richard Culey
1419 Walter Aston (or Eston)
1430 John Kemmis
1433 Johannnes Skeffyngton (Skiffington) Towker
1440 William Clerk
1455 John Balle
1462 Philip Worthyn
1488 William Neele
1510-56 Robert Haldesworth (or Hallsworth)
1556-1560 Hugo Jones
1560-86 Thomas Wilson
1586-1627 Henry Daniell
1628-47 George Durant
1647-1678 Giles Collier - sequestered April, 1647
- 'Intruded' as minister 1650
- nominated as vicar by the crown 1661
1679-81 Frances Phipps
1681-96 Samuel Scattergood
1696-1700 Thomas Turner
1700-05 William Lloyd
1705-24 Erasmus Saunders
1724-28 Michael Biddulph
1728-30 William Byrche, Ll.D.
1730-42 Edward Wheeler
1742-61 Richard Congreve
1761-94 Charles Jasper Selwyn
1794-1831 William Boughton
1831-55 Miles Coyle
1855-78 Henry Bromfield - first vicar to have a choir
1878-1919 Canon E. J. Houghton - while ill - Rev. Dr. Holbrooke
1919-29 A. G. Ager
1929-48 Phillip Jasper
1948-61 A. J Ridler
1961-67 Canon G. Berwick
1967-83 Malcolm Northall
1983-94 Richard Sluman
1995- Geoffrey Neale as of July 19th

Charles James Middleditch
Sept 24 1820-34 Daniel Wright Crescens Smith first deacon
1836-38 Andrew Gunton Fuller
1838-48 Rev T. Smith
1850-55 Edmund Hull
1855-64 Joseph Wassall
1865-71 Charles James Middleditch
1880's Rev. J. Dann
-97 Rev. E. G. Lovell
1898-1902 Rev H. Rolfe
1921-22 Rev. Frank Smith
1922-25 Rev. J. A. Cook
1925- Wilfred Farrar
1937-1942 Rev. Sydney Crowe
Rev H. B. Parris
Rev S. J. Wallace
-1971 Sister Eileen Stevenson - last due to grouping of churches - records moved to Campden Church
Baptist church ceased services 1983
Information on each of the individuals listed can be found in the book: Blockley Through Twelve Centuries, by H. E. M. Icley
Published by the Blockley Antiquarian Society
Reprinted 1984 - ISBN 0-9506104-9-6