Blockley - Post Office Directory 1876
(Worcestershire, now Gloucestershire (since 1931), England)
BLOCKLEY is a large village and parish, and has a station on the Great Western railway, 2 miles east from the town, 88 miles from London, 8 south-west from Shipston-on-Stour, and 3 from Moreton-in-Marsh; it is in the Eastern division of the county, Upper division of the hundred of Oswaldslow, Shipston-on-Stour union and county court district, rural deanery of Blockley, and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a very old stone building, having a lofty square embattled tower with 6 bells, and pinnacles: the architecture is that of the Middle Ages, part of the chancel Norman, with lofty nave and aisles: the east window is stained; the subjects are : the Birth, Baptism, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Our Lord, also the patron saints; it was placed here by Sir Charles Rushout, bart., in memory of the Hon. Mrs: Grieve : the edifice contains a large number of monuments, some elegant specimens of art, which date from 1615, amongst which are many of the Northwick family : the edifice was restored and re-seated in 1871, and a north porch added by subscription. The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £746, in the gift of the Bishop of Worcester, and held by the Rev. Henry Bromfield, M.A., of Wadham College, Oxford. There are National schools for boys and girls. A handsome stone National school for girls and infants was erected and opened in 1867, at a cost of £1,400, which was defrayed by voluntary subscriptions. There are chapels for Baptists and Primitive Methodists. There are three silk mills in the parish: the business of silk throwsting is carried on here, but during the last few years it has very much declined. Benefactors: Richard Perkin's Charity is the rent of £400, left in 1702, to be invested in land and given to the poor in clothing. Goddard Carter's Charity is an annuity of £10, chargeable on land, to the poor in clothing. Mrs. Martha Scattergood's Charity is an annuity of £5 for the poor. Rev. W. Boughton's (late vicar) Charity is an annuity of £8 to the poor in clothing. Countess of Northampton's Charity is that 20 poor persons. have each a twopenny loaf of bread weekly. Northwick Park is the seat of Lord Northwick, who is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is light and fertile; subsoil, beds of stone. The chief crops are wheat, oats, and barley. The total area of the parish is 7,870 acres - rateable value, £12,501; the population in 1871 was 2,540,
PAXFORD is a hamlet, 3 miles north from Moreton-in-Marsh. A stone building was erected here for schools in 1866, the cost being defrayed by Mrs. Elliot; it is licensed for divine service, which is performed once every Sunday: a clock has been put in the school building, the cost of which was defrayed by the late Mr. Richard Reynolds. The area of the hamlet is 841 rateable value, £1,376.
--WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 3 15 p.m.
DRAYCOTT is a hamlet, 1 mile north.
DITCHFORD, 4 1/2 miles south-west-by-west from Shipston, DORN, a mile north from Moreton-in-Marsh, and NORTHWICK, 1 3/4 miles south from Chipping Camden, are hamlets in this parish.
Parish Clerk, George Thomason Herbert.
ASTON MAGNA is a hamlet and ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1847 from the civil parish of Blockley, 2 1/2 miles north from Moreton-in-Marsh, The church of St. John is a stone building erected in 1846: it has chancel, nave, and low square tower and 1 bell, and will seat about 200 persons. The register dates from the year 1846. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £200, with residence, in the gift of Lord Redesdale, and held by the Rev. Edward Francis Chamberlayne, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here is a dame school for the poor. The chief landowner is Lord Redesdale. The area is 1,112 acres ; rateable value, £1,848; the population in 1871 was 256.
--WALL LETTER Box cleared at 4.0 p.m.
Parish Clerk at Aston Magna, Richard Hewens.
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-- Mrs. Mary Bearcroft, receiver & stamp distributor. Letters received through Moreton-in-Marsh & Broadway, arrive from Moreton at 6.35 a.m.; dispatched at 6.35 p.m. ; arrive from Broadway at 9.15 a.m.; dispatched at 3.55 p.m.
General, James Joyner
Phoenix Fire & Pelican Life, A. WakeSCHOOLS:--
National, George Thomason Herbert, master; (girls infants), Miss Mary Oakes, mistress -Dame, Aston Magna, Miss Eliza Mason, mistressRailway Station, George Linnett, station master
Allen Rev. Henry [curate]
Bromfield Rev. Henry, M.A. [vicar]
Figgures Mrs
Holmes Charles
Holtom Miss
Hutchings Thomas
Middleditch Mrs. Park house
Northwick Lord, Northwick park; & 7 Park St. Grosvenor sq. London w
Oliver Henry, Mount Pleasant villa
Roberts Mrs. Paxford
Soden Rev. Alfred James [curate]
Bearcroft Mary (Mrs.), bkr. & post office
Belcher Richard Boswell, coal merchant
Boorman Charles, grocer
Butler George, timber dealer, Draycott
Chesher Edward, miller
Clark Lancelot, bailiff to Lord Northwick, Wellacre farm
Clements William, tea dealer
Clifford George, stone mason
Cox Charles, builder
Ellis Edwin, blacksmith
Figgures Edward, plasterer & slater
Figgures Warren, beer retailer
Fisher Thomas, blacksmith
Foster John, shoe maker
Garrett Thos. & Wm. farmers, Dorn
Gibbs Edmund, farmer, Upper Ditchford farm
Gibbs John, farmer. Lower Ditchford farm
Gill George, stone mason
Gill Seth, miller & farmer. Northwick mill
Gough Frank, commercial traveller
Green Edward, baker
Haines Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer. Draycott
Haines Peter, farmer
Hale Moses, beer retailer
Harris Solomon, shopkeeper
Harris Thomas, beer retailer
Harris William, Bell
Herbert Ellen (Mrs.), Crown
Herbert Frederick, tailor
Herbert George Thomason, ironmonger & agent to the Lancashire Fire Life Insurance Office
Herbert John, beer retailer
Herbert John, butcher
Herbert Josiah, butcher
Holmes Charles, surgeon
Holtom Joseph, farmer, Park farm
Holtom. Richard, farmer, Upton wold
Holyfield John, miller, Blockley mill
Hows Richard, farmer
Johnson William, silk throwster
Joyner James, grocer, & agent to the Royal Farmers' Hail, Fire & Life Insurance Office
Keeble Hannah (Mrs.), farmer
Keen Alfred, linen draper
Keen James, shoe maker
Keyte Charles, wheelwright, Paxford
Lovett John, farmer, Dorn
Meadows Martin, farmer, Upton wold
Moore Charles, grocer & beer retailer
Nicholls Rhoda (Mrs.), grocer & linen draper, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants
Paterson John & Co. linen collar mas
Peebles Chas. miller & farmer, Paxford
Penson Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Draycott
Randall Walter, miller, Bran mill, Draycott
Reynolds Jsph. Crescens, farmer. Paxford
Righton Samuel, farmer
Roberts James. carting agent to the Gt. Western railway & coal merchant
Rogers Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Paxford
Rouse John, baker & grocer
Sharp Benjamin, builder & timber dealer, Saw mills, Paxford
Sharp John, baker, Paxford
Slatter Jas. landowner & farmer, Paxford
Smith Charles Edwin, silk throwster
Smith Thomas, millwright
Smith William, millwright
Stanley George, silk throwster
Stow Henry, carpenter, Paxford
Taplett Bartholomew, shopkpr. Paxford
Tennant Richard, beer retailer, Draycott
Verney Richard, jun. M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon
Wagstaff Henry, shopkeeper
Wake Albert, linen draper, & agent to the Phoenix Fire & Pelican Life Insurance Offices
Webb William, farmer
West Jsph. farmer, Northwick Hill farm
Westmacott George, maltster
Westmacott Percival, builder
Wheatcroft Henry, farmer
Wheatcroft Oswald, registrar of births & deaths for Moreton-in-the-Marsh district
Wheeler Robert, saddler
Wilks Alfred, farmer. Ditchford Hill farm.
Williams Job, shopkeeper
Cliamberlayne Rev. Edward Francis M.A. [vicar]
Anchor William, farmer & landowner
Camden John, farmer
Camden Joseph, farmer
Fisher Charles, shopkeeper
Fisher John, blacksmith
Harford Charles, beer retailer
Powell Nicholas, farmer
Purser Richard, farmer
Simmons Joseph, farmer
Wiggins Edwin, farmer