Blockley - Pigot's Directory 1828
(Worcestershire, now Gloucestershire (since 1931), England)

BLOCKLEY, A HAMLET, in a parish of the same name, in the upper division of Oswaldslow hundred, 90 miles from London, 25 from Worcester, 10 from Evesham, and 3 from Moreton-in-the-Marsh, in Gloucestershire, to which latter place letters are forwarded and received from. It is pleasantly situated amidst sloping bills and fruitful valleys, and is noted for the fine springs of crystal water that rise in Dove-dale and flow through the village in all directions, affording great convenience to the concerns employed in the silk throwing business, which are in this little place of the most respectable character. There are no fewer than eight of these establishments here, which employ many hands in preparing silk, chiefly for the London market. The parish church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is an ancient stone edifice, with a tower; the Rev. William Boughton is the incumbent; and the living is in the presentation of the Bishop of Worcester, who is lord of the manor, and holds, by his steward, a manorial court. occasionally.

Here is a free school for boys ; and the baptists have recently erected a neat chapel. Previous to the reformation there stood, in this hamlet, a palace belonging to the bishops of Worcester, at which they frequently resided ; the house has long been demolished, but a hill opposite to the vicarage still retains the name of ‘Parks.' According to tradition, Dorn, a village in this parish, was formerly a city of some consequence, and the many old foundations and Roman and British coins found in this neighbourhood, seem to countenance the truth of the report. At present, however, the habitations in Dorn consist of only farm houses. Within a mile of the village is Northwick park, the fine seat of Lord Northwick. The fairs held here are, the Tuesday after Easter-week for cattle, and October 10th for hiring servants. The population of the entire parish, by the returns for 1821, consisted of 1,890 inhabitants, of which number 1,158 were resident in the hamlet of Blockley.

POST OFFICE, near the Crown, John Burcroft, Post Master,-- Letters for all parts are despatched to MORETON-IN-THE-MARSH, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, by horse post, every even. at 6, and arrive every morn. at 8.


Ayre Rev. William, Blockley
Boughton Rev. Wm. Blockley
Collins Captain Edward, Blockley
Lygon Colonel, Spring hill
Lygon Colonel Edward, Spring hill
Northwick Lord John, Northwick park
Reddersley - Lord John, Batsford
Roberts Joseph, esq. Blockley

Banbury & Tapling, silk throwsters
Banbury Edward, silk throwster
Coling Wm. boot & shoe maker
Cotterell, Edward, shoe maker
Cudd William, miller
Dyde Thos. wheelwright, Draycott
Figgures Thomas, plasterer
Fisher Stephen, blacksmith
Franklin Henry, silk throwster
Hale Thomas, bricklayer
Herbert George, grocer, draper & agent to the Phoenix fire office

Herbert Jeremiah, boys' boarding and day school
Herbert John, butcher
Herbert Thomas, fellmonger.
Hobbs William, miller
Howes William, miller
Kempson John, joiner
King Sarah, milliner, &c.
Lloyd Samuel, cooper .
Minching Isaac, maltster & shopkeeper
Pain John, boot & shoe maker
Pain Jonathan, miller
Penson Samuel, Joiner
Powell William, bricklayer
Russell Lucy, silk throwster
Smith Crescens, silk throwster
Smith James, draper, grocer., &c.
Smith John, shopkeeper
Smith Richard, fellmonger
Stanley Richard, silk throwster

Stratton John, silk throwster
Taylor James, tailor & draper
Taylor John, maltster & shopkeeper
Thornton Richard, draper & grocer
Trenfield Richard, miller
Wadup Richard, tailor
Westbury Jno. master of free school
Westmacott Martin, silk throwster
Westmacott Wm. millwright

Bell, John Humphriss
Crown, Elizabeth Gilson

To CAMPDEN , Richard Dyde, from the Bell, every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
To CHIPPING NORTON, John and Charles Ward, from the, Bell, every Thursday and Saturday.

Contact email address on index page