Whistler Blackcomb. One vertical mile. Over 7,000 skiable acres. Two mountains. More than 200 trails. Three glaciers. 33 lifts. Twelve alpine bowls. The numbers speak for themselves.
Whistler Blackcomb Stats
Average Snowfall 360 inches/30 feet/9,14 metres per year
Total Terrain 7,071 acres/2,874 hectares
Trails 200 +
Longitude/Latitude 50° latitude, 122° longitude
Mountain Restaurants 17 with a total of 6,540 restaurant seats
Highest Lift Accessed Elevation 2,284 metres/7,494 feet
Whistler Village Elevation 675 metres/2,214 feet
Creekside Base Elevation 653 metres/2140 feet
Number of Lifts 33
Hourly Lift Capacity 59,007 skiers per hour
Whistler Blackcomb Mountains
Whistler, BC, Canada 604.932.3434
Toll free within North America 1.866.218.9690
Official Mountain Site:
Map of mountains http://www.hostdmc.com/canadianskiing/whistlermap.html |
World resort ranking 2003:
Daily Telegraph (UK) best Ski Resort in the world as voted by British Travellers
Skiing Magazine
#1 Overall Ski Resort in North America
#1 Classic Hike to Terrain
#1 Nightlife
#2 Terrain Park
#2 in Classic Steeps
Transworld SNOWboarding Magazine:
#1 Overall Resort
#1 Terrain Park
#1 Terrain
#1 Food
#1 Lodging
#2 Pipe
Freeze Magazine:
"Total Package" Category Winner
SKI Magazine:
#2 Ski Resort in North America
#2 Lodging
#2 in après-ski
#3 Terrain Park
#3 Off-hill Activities
Freeskier Magazine:
#1 Steeps
#2 Terrain Park
#2 Deep Snow Mecca
#2 Best Towns to Bar Hop
Sydney Morning Herald (Aus)
Best All Round Ski Resort
Whistler, B.C., November 26, 2003 - British Airways has chosen Whistler Blackcomb as a Highly Commended project in the Large Scale Tourism category of their Tourism for Tomorrow awards. The resort was one of 75 entrants from 38 countries to apply for this globally recognized award.