The will of John IZOD 10th Aug. 1719
(Proved 3rd Sep. 1719)
In the name of God Amen. I John IZOD of Mickleton in the County of Gloucester, Gent, being weak in body but of sound mind, memory and understanding, thanks be to Almighty God for the same Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following. First and principally I command my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping thro the mercy and mediation of my beloved Saviour Jesus Christ to have mercy and forgiveness of all my sins. My body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix hereafter mentioned. And as for those worldly goods and chattels wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bless me. I give and bequeath of in manner following. That is to say Imprimis I give, devise and bequeath unto the Rev. Stephen BRADLEY and ....... my loving brother William IZOD All that my real estate lying and being in Mickleton aforesaid and now in my own possession commonly called or known by the name of Townsends Estate and after, All that messuage or Tenement situate in Mickleton aforesaid wherein I now dwell with the appurtenances. And also all my stock of Cattle and Colts wheresoever. Household goods only excepted. Upon special Trust and confidence nevertheless in them viz. Stephen BRADLEY and William IZOD reposed. That they, viz. Stephen BRADLEY and William IZOD and their heirs and the heirs of the survivors of them, do and shall in the first place pay or cause to be paid unto my loving wife Mary out of the rents of my said estate, the yearly sum of fifty pounds of lawfull money of Gt. Britain by half yearly payments for and during the term of her natural life. And also, that they, viz Stephen BRADLEY and William IZOD and their heirs and the heirs of the survivors of them shall, out of the said stock of Cattle and Colts - or by sale of ye said messuage or Tenement, or of some nominal part of my said Estate otherwise raise the sum of Four Hundred pounds, which said sum of Four Hundred pounds so to be raised as aforesaid, My Will is and I do give and bequeath the same unto my two daughters Mary and Anne to be equally divided between them - share and share alike, to be paid unto my said two daughters when they shall attain unto the respective ages of One and Twenty years. But in case either of my said daughters shall happen to die before she shall attain unto the said age of One and Twenty years, Then my Will is that the share of such daughter so dying shall be equally divided between the survivor of my daughters and my son John, share and share alike. And further my will is and I do hereby direct and appoint that ye said Stephen BRADLEY and William IZOD, their heirs and the heirs of the survivors of them shall with all convenient speed after my decease also raise by sale of my said messuage or Tenement - Stock of Cattle and Colts and Estates or otherwise so much money as shall be sufficient to discharge all my Just debts and I do hereby charge my said messuage or Tenement and Estate with the payment of all my respective debts. And my further will is that after this sum of Four Hundred pounds and such sum or sums of money as shall be sufficient to pay and discharge my said debts shall be raised and paid as aforesaid. That then the said Stephen BRADLEY and William IZOD and their heirs and the heirs of the survivors of them shall permit and suffer my said son John to have and to hold and enjoy all such part of my said Estate and said messuage or Tenement as shall not be sold and to receive and take ye rents issuing and profit thereof to his own personal use and benefit when my said son John shall attain unto the age of One and Twenty years. To hold ye same unto my said son John his heirs and assigns for ever. Subject nonetheless to and changeable with the payment of fifty pounds per annum unto my loving wife Mary, during her real life aforesaid. But in case my said son John shall happen to die before he attain unto the age of one and twenty years, leaving no issue, then I give and devise all such part of my said Estate as shall remain unsold unto my daughters Mary and Anne and their heirs to be equally divided between them, share and share alike And if it shall happen that my said son John and daughters Mary and Anne shall happen to die before they attain unto their respective ages of one and twenty years leaving no issue, Then my will is that such part or residue of my said Estate shall return and go to my right heir, my farther will is that my loving wife do and shall out of ye said Fifty pounds per annum payable to her as aforesaid provide for maintenance and board of my said son John and daughters Mary and Anne until they shall attain unto their respective ages of One and Twenty years if they shall be sole or unmarried till that time Item I give and bequeath all and singular my household goods now remaining and being in my dwelling house unto my said loving wife and son John and daughters Mary and Anne to be equally divided between them, share and share alike. And all the rest and residue and my debts, legacies, funeral charges and expenses being first paid and discharged out of the funds of my goods and chattels not herein before disposed of, I give and bequeath unto my dear loving wife Mary and Brother William IZOD and do hereby make and ordain my said loving wife and Brother William joint Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking and admitting all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do hereby publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said John Izod have to this my last Will and Testament containing two sheets of paper put my hand and seal this Tenth Day of August in the Sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George over Great Britain as King Anno Don 1719
Signed sealed and subscribed by:-
Elizabeth GOODSON Her mark
Mary SHEPHERD Her mark
Thos. DAVY
(Transcribed by Norman BOTT)
Courtesy od Alan Izod |