Holland Park has been renovated with 3 design concepts being proposed and 3 open house meetings scheduled to decide on the final plan, this page will be updated when the project is completed. The park is across Old Yale Road from the Central City Mall (Surrey Place) and it's 25 storey building (see below) on Thursday, March 11, 2004 in Cannes, France, the Surrey Central City project received the highest honours at the Marche International des Professionels de l’Immobilier (MIPIM) / International Property Market.
Surrey Central City, the Bing Thom designed office-retail-university complex located in Whalley, has been named the world’s best business centre and was the sole recipient of the revered Special Jury Prize. The building has already been used for several movies, the latest being "Catwoman" starring Halle Berry in 2004 (see bottom of page). The Skytrain (see below) goes over the Northeast section of the park. You will note the brown grass and limited flowers due to the very dry and hot Summer we have experienced in 2004. |