On the south wall inside the nave of St.EadburghaÕs Church in Ebrington, Gloucestershire, is a tablet on which is written:-
WILLIAM KEYT Esq. A.D.1632. left by will the milk
of ten good and sufficient milch kine to the poor of Ebring-
ton from May 10th to Nov 1st annually for ever
The above bequest was confirmed by deed executed
the lineal descendant and representative of the above named
To perpetuate the memory of this charity this tablet was
Erected A.D.1861. W.T.HADOW. M.A. Vicar
WILLIAM STANLEY} Churchwardens
HIS INDENTURE made the Twenty Eighth day of January In the Twenty first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith and so forth And in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and fforty seven BETWEEN Thomas Charles Keyt of Norton in the County of Gloucester Baronet of the one part and ffrancis Cannin of ffoxcoate in the County of Gloucester aforesaid Esquire ffrancis Dighton of Clifford In the County of Gloucester aforesaid Esquire Williara Bell of Weston-sub-Edge in the said County of Gloucester Clerk John Barnesly the Younger of Charringworth in the County of Gloucester aforesaid Gentleman Samual Southam and John Gibbs of Ebberton In the County aforesaid Yeoman of the other part WHEREAS by Indenture made the ffourteenth day of October which was in the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the first made or mentioned to be made between John Keyt of Ebberton in the said County of Gloucester Esquire of the one part and Thomas Clapton of Clapton in the County aforesaid Thomas Child of É(this part is illegible!)É Esquire ffrancis Smith of Chipping Campdon in the County of Gloucester Gentleman Thomas Taylor William Hanway and John Gibbs of Ebberton aforesaid Yeoman of the other part renting that whereas William Keyt late ffather of him the said John Keyt by his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the last day of É(this part is illegible!)É in the Eighth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the first did Give and bequeath unto the poor of Ebberton aforesaid from the Tenth day of May until the ffeast of All Saints every Year after his decease for ever the Milk of ten sufficient new Milch Keyne to go and Depasture before the Lord of Ebberton and to be bestowed unto such of the poor of Ebberton as should be thought fit by the Executors and his Lordship and the Churchwardens of the parish of Ebberton for the time being the said Ten Keyne and Pasture for them to be provided by his Executors and Lordship for ever And also renting that the said John Keyt bering Executor of the last Will and Testament of his said late ffather William Keyt and being desirous that the Gift of his said ffather the said William Keyt should continue for ever to the poor of Ebberton aforesaid in such Sort as in the said Will was Exprest and for the more Securely and sure making of the Continuance thereof the said John Keyt did Bargain sell device Grant Let and to ffarm Let unto the said Thomas Clapton Thomas Child ffrancis Smith Thomas Taylor Willian Hanway and John Gibbs all those the Tenths and Tythee of Corn and Grain Grass and Hay Wool and Lamb Arising Growing Renewing and Eureasing in and upon the Towns and ffeilds of Ebberton aforesaid and Hidcott Boyce in the same parish of Ebberton in the said County of Gloucester belonging and appertaining unto the Rectory and Parsonage of Ebberton aforesaid TO HOLD all and singular the said Tenths and Tythes of Corn and Grain Grass and Hay Wool and Lamb Arising Growing Renewing and Eurasing in and upon the Towns and ffeilds of Ebberton and Hidcott Boyce aforesaid and every part and partell thereof with the Appurto unto the said Thomas Clapton Thomas Child ffrancis Smith Thomas Taylor William Hanway and John Gibbs and the Survivor and Survivors of them and their and every of their Executors Administrators and Assigned from the day of the date therof for and during and unto the full End and Term of One Thousand Years from thence next Ensueing and fully to be Compleat and Ended Nevertheless upon special Trust and Confidence in them the said Thomas Clapton Thomas Child ffrancis Smith Thomas Taylor William Hanway and John Gibbs Reposed that they and, the Survivor and Survivors of them their and every of their Executors Administrators and Assigned should from time to to Enjoy and singular the said premises thereby demised and every part and partell thereof and to receive the Rents Easments and Proffits thereof belonging to the said Ten Milch Keyne shall be generally and every Year by them or one of them provided Depastured and kept and the Milk thereof disposed of unto the poor people of Ebberton aforesaid in such sort as by the said last Will and Testament of the said William Keyt is expressed and declared and upon farther Trust and Confidence in them Reposed that if there should be Default made in Providing and depasturing and keeping the said Keyne and disposing of the Milk thereof in such Sort as is aforesaid that then it should be lawful to and for them the said Thomas Clapton Thomas Child frrancis Smith Thomas Taylor William Hanway and John Gibbs into the said premises to Enter and to take the same in their handa and possessions and forth of the Tents ensueing and proffits thereof to buy and provide Yearly the said Ten Milch Keyne and pasture for them and to Depasture them upon the Commons of Ebberton aforesaid and to dispose the Milk thereof to the said poor people according unto the meaning of the said Will and that if the said Benefits which should come unto the said poor people thereby should be neglected or omitted to be disposed of to them for one or more years Then in that case to take so much money of the Rents Easments and proffits of the demised premises and dispose thereof to the said poor people as would make Recompense and Satisfaction fully to the said poor people for such time as the same had been omitted or neglected and after the same was performed then to return the Overplus of the Rents Easments and Proffits of the demised premises yearly to the Heirs Administrators or Assignments of him the said John Keyt as to such person or persons who ought to have had the premises if the said Lease had not been made and upon farther Trust and Confidence that they the said Thomas.Clapton Thomas Child ffrancis Smith Thomas Taylor William Hanway and John Gibbs should in every year upon the Morrow after Saint Michael the Archangel at some Convenient place to be appointed by then or the Major part of them Nest together and conferr with the Churchwardens of Ebberton aforesaid for the time being and Examine how the said Keyne had been provided depastured kept and disposed of that they might cause the Default thereof to be Amended if any should happen and to the Intent and Purpose also that when so many of the said persons thereby trusted should be deceased that there should be but two of them Living that then those two surviving Trustees should elect such other and so many able and sufficient Men as to them should seem Meet and. make a new Lease of premises thereby Demised TO the Use of them two that should so Survive and the said other persons newly to be Elected To the intent that the said poor people of Ebberton aforesaid might yearly receive such Benefit as by the said Will was intended and so to continue during all the said Term thereby Granted AND WHERAS all the said Trustees are since dead and no other have been elected or chosen by the Survivors of them pursuant to their power In the said recited dead
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Charles Keyt being determined as much as in him to prevent the pious and Charitable Intention of the said William Keyt his Ancestor from being Defeated or frustrated and that his Will may be effentually performed of his own free Will and also in consideration of the Sum of ffive Shillings to him the said Thomas Charles Keyt in hand prepared by the said ffrancis Cannin ffrancis
Dighton William Bell John Barnesley Samuel Southam and John Gibbs ALL those the said Tenths and Tythes of Corn and Grain Grass and Hay Wool and Lamb Arising Gowing Renewing and Eurasing in and upon the said Towns and ffeilds or Ebberton aforesaid and Hidcott Boyce in the same parish of Eberton in the said County of Gloucester belonging and appertaining unto the Rectory and Parsonage of Ebberton aforesaid All which premises now are in the Course Tenure or Occupation of the said Thomas Charles Keyt his Undertenants or Assigned TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said Tenth and Tythes of Corn and Grain Grass and Hay Wool and Lamb Arising Growing Renewing and Eureasing in and upon the said Towns and ffeilds of Ebberton and Hidcott Boyce aforesaid and every part and partell thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said ffrancis Cannin ffrancis Dighton William Bell John Barnesly Samuel Southam and John Gibbs Reposed that they and their Survivor and Survivors of them their and every of their Executors Administrators of Assigned shall from time to time and at all times hereafter permit and suffer the said Thomas Charles Keyt party to those present his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigned to enjoy all and singular the said premises hereby demised and every part and partell thereof and to receive the Rent Easements and Proffits thereof belonging as the said Ten Milch Keyne shall be Generally and every Year by then or some or one of them previded Depastured and kept and the Milk thereof disposed of unto the poor of Ebberton aforesaid in such sort as by the said last Will and Testament of the said William Keyt is Expressed and Declared and upon farther Trust and Confidence in them Reposed that if there shall be default made in not providing Depasturing and keeping of the said Keyne and disposing of the said Milk thereof in such sort as is aforesaid that then it shall be lawfull and for them and the said ffrancis Cannin ffrancis Dighton William Bell John Barnesly Samuel Southam and John Gibbs into the said premises to enter and to take the same in their hands and possession and out of the Rents Easments and proffits thereof to buy and provide Yearly the said Ten Milch Keyne and pasture for them and to depasture them upon the Commons in Ebberton aforesaid and to dispose of the Milk thereof to the said poor people according to the meaning of the said Will and that if the said benefit which should come unto the said poor people thereby shall be neglected or Omitted to be disposed of to them for one or more Years then in that case to take so much Money out of the Rents Easments and proffits of the demised premises and dispose thereof the said poor people as will make Recompense and Satisfaction fully to the said poor people for such time as the same hath been Omitted or Neglected and after the same is performed then to return the Overplus of the Rents Easments and proffits of the demised premises Yearly to the said Thomas Charles Keyt or theHeirÕs Executors Administrators or Assigned of him the said Thomas Charles Keyt party to those present or to such person or persons who ought to have had the premises If this present Lease had not been made And upon this farther Trust and Confidence that they the said ffrancis Cannin ffrancis Dighton William Bell John Barnesly Samuel Southam and John Gibbs shall once every year upon the Morrow after Saint Michael the Archangel at some convenient place to be appointed by them or the Major part of them meet together and confer with the Churchwardens of Ebberton aforesaid for the time being and Examine how the said Keyne have been provided depastured kept and disposed of that they may cause the default to be Amended if any shall happen to be and to this intent and purpose also that when so many of the said persons hereby Trusted shall be decreased that there shall be but two of them Living that then those two surviving Trustees shall elect and choose such other and so many able and sufficient Men as to them shall Meet and make A new Lease of tho premises hereby demised to the Use of them two that shall survive and the said other person Newly to be elected to the intont that the said poor people of Ebberton aforesaid may Yearly receive such Benefit as by the said Will was intended and so to continue during all the said Term thereby Granted IN WITNESS whereof the parties first above named have hereunto put their hands and. Seals the Day and Year first above Written.
Signed with his Seal
Thomas Charles Keyt.
The story of the Cow Charity was continued on Saturday 8th May 1952 in the ÔNews ChronicleÕ from the Hounslow area of Middlesex. Journalist Bruce Rothwell wrote the following article headed:-
"Village Row over 10 Cows"
There is such trouble in this lovely thatched village on the borders of Warwickshire and Gloucestershire. Such troubleÉ.it seems extra sad on a fresh spring day. And still more sad that it all springs from a kindly action 300 years ago.
In the squat grey Norman church is a wall tablet which states "William Keyt Esq. A.D.1632. left by will the milk of 10 good and sufficient milch kine to the poor of Ebrington from May 10 to Nov 1 annually for ever".
So it has been ever sinceÉuntil World War II and milk rationing.
Under the Keyte Cow Charity, administered for the Charity Commissioners by local trustees, two Ebrington farmers holding land under the will are obliged to drive 10 cows between then to the village milking field, stable and pasture them during the six months stipulated, and let the aged and poor milk them.
The milk went to 20 families Ð with the milking organised so that the families shared the cows every tenth day.
With milk rationing the trustees ordered that instead of supplying the cows for milking, the two farmers should pay them £10 a cow until after the war.
Mr.Bernard Wilkes Righton, who provided eight cows, and Mr.William Keyte, providing two cows, disagreed. Mr.Righton offered £8 yearly per cow. Mr.Keyte stuck by an old clause allowing six guineas.
Until September last year the trustees accepted Mr.RightonÕs contribution and paid it into the Village Hall Project Fund. But Mr.Keyte, his offer refused, paid nothing.
Now, by court order, he has paid the trustees £160 back money.
But this is not the end of it. The trustees want the payments in lieu of milk to go on. The Charity Commissioners want to end the charity. And Mr.Keyte insists on giving them the milk.
The charity commissioners offer to accept £500 a cow from Mr.Righton and Mr.Keyt. "This is just highway robbery" said Mr.Righton yesterday., "Old Keyt only set aside £2,000 in his will for the charity and when we bought this farm in 1920 we were allowed £200 a cow off the price".
Under the will the cows should be delivered for milking this Saturday but through the years this has been postponed to May 21 and continued to November 11.
"Heaven knows what will happen if it isnÕt settled by May 21" said Mr.Righton "Mine is an arable farm and IÕll just have to goÉÉÉ(this part is illegible!)ÉÉÉ.£50".
The issue of milk row is the great tonic for the council election on Friday. Mr.Righton, former council chairman, is a candidate. All candidates have pledged to the village that they are on the side of "those who want to money".
But this reckons without the blood of the Keytes.
Mowing the lawn beside hisÉÉÉ(this part is illegible!)ÉÉÉ.Mr.Keyte said "I was born there in yonder hollow. My line goes back to the brother of William Keyt who made the will. Aye, they were careless with their eÕs. I am between 70 and 80. When I got the farm in 1910 it was agreed I should.pay six guineas a cow if, for some reason, I didnÕt provide them for milking. But I always provided. They wouldnÕt take my six guinea offer in 1940, although it has been valued on that for 300 years, and I didnÕt see a reason to change. Now then, those two cows of mine will be there in that field on May 21. There will be no money from William Keyte. TheyÕll have to milk Ôem Ð even if a milkman costs £5 a week. If they donÕt, the charity will end".
His white moustache curled above a grin. "IÕm going to put these cows out alright. And then IÕm just going to sit here until the cows come home".