The Will of Dennis Tufley 27 Jan 1725/6
In the name of God Amen. I Dennis Tufley of Chedworth in the County of Gloucestershire Husbandman being in good and sound health of body and of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God Do make constitute and ordaine this my last will and testament Allso hereby revoaking and annulling all former and other wills or writs testament or testaments hereto fore by me made ordained or declared either by word or writing and this to be taken for my last will and testament and none other in manner and forme following Viz;
I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth all and singular my personal Estate Goods and chattels whatsoever or wheresoever to be found as also all debts due to me from any person whatsoever and ready mony whatsoever for her life benefit and behalfe for and during her natural life if survive me and continue in widowhood any thing herein contained to the contrary and after her decease or second marriage the said goods and household to dispose of in manner herein and hereafter mentioned my said now wife Elizabeth to pay all my debts and funeral charges.
I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Drake all that Dwelling House Garden court and premises which I lately purchased of one Anthony Haiden lying and being in Chedworth in the county of Gloucestershire to her and her heirs for ever together with all writtings unto the same belonging or in any waye appurtaining after the decease of my said wife.
I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sussanna all that inclosed parcell of land lying at a place called wickwell and shooting upon the same in the wood field in the pish (parish?) of Chedworth above said being by estimation fouer acres be it more or lease to her and her heires for Ever all together with all writeings to the same belonging and also all my household goods and chattels now in my dwelling house in Chedworth above said after the decease or second marriage of my said wife as above said and shall have the Sd inclosure after her decease allso
I Give and bequeath unto my Son William and to my son John the sum of two shillings an sixpence to each of them of currant mony to be paid unto them immediately after my decease by my executor hereafter named and appointed
I Give and bequeath unto my son Dennis all that my now dwelling house and backside lying and being at the lowere end of Gallows Lane in Chedworth above said and also all those parcells of land lying in St Johns field in the parish of Chedworth above said being two acres and three farendales be it more or lease to him and his heires for Ever next after the decease of my S wife And if my said wife Elizabeth should marry that then all the above said goods and lands to pass immeadialty to my said children as above bequeathed after such marriage
Lastly - I nominate and appoint my said son Dennis to be my (w)hole and sole executor of this last will and testament. And my kinsman Paul Tufley and my friend Robert Robbins to be my trustees
Wittness my hand and seale the 27 day of January Annos Domini 1725/6
Dennis Tufley (his mark)
Sealed Signed and subscribed by the testator above named in the presents of us
Thomas Rogers
Dennis Rogers
Thomas Wheatland Sen.
Courtesy of Kerry M. Walsh