1847 - The Will of Aaron Randell, Yeoman of Chedworth
Aaron RANDELL of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester Yeoman Do hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions by me before made and do make and publish this my only last Will . I give devise and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth RANDELL All my Messuages lands and tenements situate and being at Chedworth or elsewhere And all my household furniture plate linen china and all other articles of Household in and about the Dwelling House and premises in my occupation. To hold and enjoy the same unto and by my said Wife and her assigns during her life she keeping the buildings and tenantable repair and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath my said Household furniture plate linen china and other articles of Household as aforesaid unto and between my two nieces Elizabeth BROAD and Leah BROAD the daughters of John and Joyce BROAD in equal shares and proportions except as hereinafter mentioned. I give and bequeath all my live and dead stock corn hay and implements in husbandry money and securities for money and all other my personal estate (except my household furniture herein before and hereinafter by me bequeathed) unto my brother in law John BROAD the elder and my two nephews John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY upon trust that they and the survivors and survivor and the executors administrators and assigns of the survivors do and shall in the first place pay my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and do and shall at such time or times as to them and my said Wife shall seem best call in and convert into money such parts of my said personal estates shall not consist of money and lay out and invest the monies which shall come to their hands and also the several sums of one hundred and fifty pounds one hundred and fifty pounds and fifty pounds and fifty pounds hereinafter by me directed to be paid by my said Nephews Geoffrey RANDELL, Daniel SLY and Joseph SLY in Parliamentary Stocks or funds or at interest upon Government or real Securities and from time to time alter and vary such securities at their or his discretion and do and shall pay into my said wife to receive the interest and dividends of such monies stocks funds and securities during her life and after her decease do and shall stand possessed of the said principal trustmonies and the stock funds and securites upon which the same shall be invested Upon trust for such and the same parties and in such and the same proportions as I have hereinafter directed with respect to the monies to arise from the sale of my real estate so that the same shall form one general residuary fund. And immediately after my said wife's decease I give and devise unto my said Nephew Geoffrey RANDELL son of my Brother Luke and Elizabeth RANDELL All that my Cottage House Garden Orchard and premises with appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in Chedworth aforesaid which I lately purchased of Richard GIBBINS. To hold the same unto and to the use of him my said Nephew Geoffrey RANDELL his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with the payment of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds to my trustees at the expiration of twelve calendar months after the decease of my said wife and which said sum of one hundred and fifty pounds I direct shall sink into and form part of the residue of my personal estate. Also I give and devise unto my said Neice Elizabeth BROAD daughter of John and Joyce BROAD All that my Cottage house garden and premisesdown to the spring there with the appurtenances situate and being in Chedworth aforesaid which I lately purchased of Thomas READ. To hold the same unto and to the use of my said Niece Elizabeth BROAD her heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and devise unto my Nephew Daniel SLY son of my brother in law Robert and Esther SLY All that my dwelling house garden orchard and the ground above the orchard. And also two Cottages and Gardens now in the several occupations of Phoebe ROBBINS and Thomas MOSS together with the yard barn stable carthouse and the Hill grounds adjoining containing one acre or thereabouts. And also my small coppice and the ground and soil thereof adjoining the Earl of Eldons estate which I lately purchased of Joseph PITT Esquire likewise situate and being in Chedworth aforesaid. To hold the same unto the use of my said Nephew Daniel SLY his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with the payment unto my said Trustees of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds at the expiration of one year after the decease of my said wife which said sum of one hundred and fifty pounds I direct shall form part of the residue of my personal estate. I also give and bequeath to my said Nephew Daniel SLY two furnaces and grates Blue Chest Square Cupboard and the Grate in the Kitchen. Also I give and devise unto my said Neice Leah BROAD All my cottage house garden orchard and premises with the appurtenances situate and near Cheap Street in Chedworth aforesaid now in the occupation of John ROBBINS and which I lately purchased of Joseph PITT Esquire. To hold the same unto and To the use of my said Niece Leah BROAD her heirs and assigns for ever. I give and devise unto my Nephew Joseph SLY son of Robert and Esther SLY All that my cottage house garden orchard meadow barn yard and premises with the appurtenenances thereto belonging likewise situate in Chedworth aforesaid and now in the occupation of him my said nephew Joseph SLY. To hold the same unto and to the use of him the said Joseph SLY his heirs and assigns for ever. Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with the payment of the sum of fifty pounds to my said trustees at the expiration of one year from the decease of my said wife and which said sum of fifty pounds I direct shall sink into and form part of the residue of my said personal estate. I give and devise unto the said John BROAD the elder, John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY All that my close of land called Tabberers Hill and the coppice adjoining called Calves Hill Coppice and the ground below the coppice All which I lately purchased of Joseph PITT Esquire. Also all that ground called Hatherhills ground near Pinkwell which I lately purchased of William and Ann GREEN. Also all those closes of land called Hither Long Ground and the Far Long Ground and the ground above adjoining the Henson Hill way in the Lower part of Chedworth which I lately purchased of Abraham CLARK and John FISHER. All which said several lands and hereditaments are situate and being in the parish of Chedworth aforesaid. And all other my real estate not hereinbefore by me devised whether in possession reversion remainder or expectancy of in or to which I or any person or persons in trust for me shall at my decease be seised possessed or entitled To hold the same and every part thereof unto and to the use of the said John Broad the elder John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY their heirs and assigns. Upon trust that they and the survivors and survivor and the heirs and assigns of such survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after my said wifes decease absolutely sell and dispose of my said real estate either entirely and altogether or in parcels by public auction or private contract to any person or persons willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof respectively for such price or prices or sum or sums of money as to my trustees or trustee for the time being shall seem reasonable and for facilitating such sale or sales do and shall enter into make and execute All such contracts covenants agreements conveyances assurances acts matters and things as to my trustees or trustee for the time being shall seem meet. And I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the executors administrators or assigns of such survivor for any sum or sums of money payable to them or him under or by virtue of the trusts of this my will shall be sufficient and effectual discharges for the same respectively or so much thereof respectively as in such receipts shall be expressed to be received and that the persons to whom the same shall be given his her or their executors administrators or assigns shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of the monies therein mentioned to be received. And I do hereby declare that the said John Broad the elder, John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY and the survivors and survivor and the executors, administrators and assigns of the survivor do and shall after the decease of my said wife out of the monies which shall come to thir hands pay unto the said John BROAD the elder his executors or administrators the sum of three hundred pounds to whom I give and bequeath the samefor his and their own use and benefit and do and shall stand possessed of the clear residue of my said real and personal estate In trust for my nephews and nieces next hereinafter named that is to say Sophia HOLLOWAY, John RANDELL, Elizabeth WAREHAM, Moses RANDELL, Alfred RANDELL, Robert SLY, Ann GLOVER, Esther Peachey, Richard BROAD, Joseph BROAD, Leah BROAD, Jane WILLIAMS, Zilpah BROAD and the said John BROAD the younger to whom I give and bequeath the same in equal shares and proportions. Provided always and I do hereby declare my will and mind to be that if any of my said last mentioned nephews or nieces shall die before his or her share of my residuary estate shall become payable under the trusts of this my will without leaving any issue of his or her respective body living at his or her decease or born in due time afterwards Then and in such case as well the share hereby originally provided as the share or shares surviving or accruing to him or them respectively by virtue of this present clause of and in the said trust monies tocks funds and securities shall go and be in trust for the survivors or survivor or others or other of my said last mentioned nephews and nieces to be divided between and amongst them (if more than one) in equal shares and proportions> Provided also and I do hereby also declare my will and mind to be that if any of my said nephews or nieces shall die before his or her share of my said Residuary Estate shall become payable under the trusts of this my will leaving any issue of his or her respective body living at his or her respective decease or born in due time after who being a son or sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry Then and in every such case the share or shares to which each such nephew or neice so respectively dying as last aforesaid would if he or she respectively had lived to have become entitled to his or her share of my said residuary estate under the trusts of this my will (as well originally as by survivorship and accrued) shall go and be in trust for all and every the children and child of his or her body respectively who being a son or sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between or among them (if more than one)in equal shares and proportions and if but one the whole to be in trust for that one child. And I hereby declare and direct that my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them his executors administrators and assigns do and shall and I hereby authorise them to apply not only the interest dividends and annual produce of any shares of my said residuary estate to which the child or children of any of my said nephews or nieces may become intitled for a vested or presumptive interest but any portion of the principal monies which to my said trustees or the trustee for the time being of this my will shall seem desireable to apply for his or their clothes maintenance or education or advancement in the world during their respective minorities, I give and devise unto the said John BROAD the elder, John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively all estates which at my decease shall be vested in me upon any trust or by way of mortgage and of which I have power to dispose by my will with their appurtenances To hold the same estaters unto the said John BROAD the elder, John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively upon the trusts and subject to the expirty of redemption which at my decease shall be subsisting or capable of taking effect therein respectively but the money received by such mortgages to be considered part of my personal estate. And I appoint the said John BROAD the elder, John BROAD the younger and Daniel SLY executors of this my will. Provided also and I declare that if either of my trustees hereby appointed or to be appointed as hereinafter is mentioned shall die or decline to act in the trusts hereby in them reposed then and in such case it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing trustee by any writing under their or his hands or hand to appoint one or more trustees or trustee in the room of the the trustee dying or declining to act. And thereupon the said trust estates monies and premises shall be vested in the same trustees or trustee as occasion shall require and that such new trustees or trustee shall have the same power to all intents and purposes as if he or they had been originally nominated a trustee or trustees of this my will. And lastly I declare that the trustees hereby appointed or to be appointed as hereinbefore is mentioned their heirs executors administrators and assigns shall not be answerable the one for the others or other of them of for the signing receipts for the sake of conformity or for any involuntary loss and that it shall be lawful for them to reimburse themselves respectively their costs and expenses in discharging their trusts .
In witness whereof I the said Aaron RANDELL have this my last will and testament containes in this and the five preceding sheets of paper set my hand this twelfth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty seven.
Signed declared and acknowledged by the said Aaron RANDELL the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us the present at the same time and who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the same the several interlincations opposite to which we have placed our initials in the margin having been first made.Signed Aaron RANDELL, J. N. WILKINS Solicitor Bourton on the Water
A. MANNING Clerk to Messrs Wilkins & Kendall

Above will donated by Michael Tovey transcribed for a couple of local history classes that he ran last year (2000).
The will of Robert Robins - Probate dated 6th October 1683
In the name of God Amen I Robert ROBINS of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester yeoman being sicke in body but of sound and perfict mind and memory prassed be to God for it and I doe make this my last will and testament in maner and forme folowing that is to say first I give my soule into the hands of Almighty god hoping through the death and pasion of my savier Jesus Christ to have full pardon for all my sins and to inherit Everlasting Life and my body I comit to the earth to be decently buried at the descretion of my executors hereafter named and as touching all the goods and chattels it hath pleased Allmighty God to bestowe upon me I give and despose thereof as follloweth.
Second I will that my debts and severall charges shall be paid and disolved.
Item I give unto my sonn in law Giles HATHERILL tenn (?) pounds to be paid to him one yeare after my desease to bind(?) him ------ to be paid him by my executors.
Item I give unto my daughter in law Susanah HATHERILL tenn pounds to be paid her at the age of 20 yeares to be paid by my executors.
Item I give unto all my owne children the sum of twenty pounds apiece att the age of one and twenty years to be paid them then by
my executors and if the said goods should be any of it lost and not come into the hands of my executors that then every child shall be
abated accordingly to them equallie.
All the rest and residue of my goods and chattels whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my loving wife Margery and do constitute
and appoint her to be full and sole executor of this my will and testament.
And I doe heare by revoke disannul and make good all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made or done. In witness whereof I the said Robert ROBINS to this my last will and testament being contained in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal the eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and eighty two.
the mark of Robert ROBINS
Signed and sealed in the presence of John ROBBINS, Ed. HAINES, Thomas DRAKE
Octob. 6 - 83
[Latin inscription follow very feint]

Above will donated by Ruth Withers

1843 - The Will of Elizabeth Radway of Chedworth
This is the last will and testament of me Elizabeth RADWAY of the Parish of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester Widow which I do make and ordain in manner and form following.
First I order and direct that all my just debts and Funeral and Testamonly Expenses may be fully paid and satisfied as soon as may be after my decease and I hereby charge and make liable my real as well as personal estate with the payment thereof.
Then I give devise and bequeath unto my brother John RICKETTS of Stockwell Farm and my daughter Sarah TROTMAN of Chedworth all my household furniture (except my plate, linen and china) and all my ready monies debts and securities for money whatsoever and also all my freehold estate and effects now in my possession or to which I or any person or persons in trust for me shall at my decease be levied, possessed of or entitled To hold the same unto the said John RICKETTS and Sarah TROTMAN and their executors and administrators upon trust herein after expressed.
That is to say upon trust that they my said trustees and the survivor of them his executors and administrators do and shall have full power to value or sell and convey my said estate now in my own occupation and all the net proceeds arising from such sale together with all such sums of money as may be in my possession at the time of my decease with all sums on securities at Interest in the possession of any other person or persons together with all my goods of what kind or nature soever (except my plate, linen and china as aforesaid).
I give and bequeath unto all my sons and daughters That is to say To Sarah TROTMAN, Francis RADWAY, Edward RADWAY, Richard RADWAY and Elizabeth ORGAN to be divided amongst them (by my said Trustees) in equal shares and portions share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever. Should any or either of them die before they come to possession and leave no issue of their body then such share or shares so left to be equally divided amongst all the others then living.
And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said John RICKETTS and Sarah TROTMAN executor and executors in trust of this my last will and testament whom I charge with the payment of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses and all necessary expenses of executing the said trust out of my said property and I hereby revoke and disclaim all and every other former will or wills by me in any ways before named ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this the nineteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
The mark of Elizabeth RADWAY
Signed sealed and delivered by the said Elizabeth RADWAY as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed with our names as witness thereof
John BROAD Junior
John BROAD Senior

Note by M. Tovey
Elizabeth RADWAY, widow of Francis RADWAY, died at the age of 80 on 9 July 1843 and was buried at St. Andrews Church, Chedworth on 14 July 1843. Other documents in existence reveal that Sarah TROTMAN was living in Througham, Slad near Bisley in 1873 and that she had an only daughter named Elizabeth HICKS (widow). It is recorded in Chedworth Parish Records of 1831 that a Francis RADWAY had written asking Priscilla ROBINS and her four children join him in Canada where he could have a farm of 200 acres and that he would marry her. She was assisted in her journey to New York by parish funds.

1812 - The Will of Francis RADWAY Yeoman of Chedworth
This is the last Will and Testamentof me Francis RADWAY of Chedworth in the county of Gloucester Yeoman first I direct that my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses shall be fully paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease whereas I have agreed with Sir William SCOTT to exchange with him certain of my lands and hereditaments in Chedworth aforesaid for certain lands of him the said Sir William SCOTT now I hereby direct and empower my trustees William JENNER of Maisey Hampton in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman and John BARTON of Colne Rodgers in the said County Gentleman and the Survivor of them and the heirs of such survivor to complete such exchange and to do perform and execute all such acts deeds and things as shall be necessary for that purpose as fully and effectively as I myself could have done I give devise and bequeath all my messuages lands tenements hereditaments and premises with there appurtenances situate lying and being in Chedworth aforesaid and particularly the lands to be taken under the said exchange and all other my real estate whatsoever except such parts as are hereinafter given to my wife unto and to the use of the said William JENNER and John BARTON their heirs and assigns upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same I Give and Bequeath all my Farming Stock Crop and Implements in Husbandry and all other my Personal Estate and Effects except as is hereinafter otherwise given to my said wife unto the said William JENNER and John BARTON their executors administrators and assigns Upon the Trusts also and to and for the intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned and declared of and concerning the same and I hereby declare and direct that the said William JENNER and John BARTON their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively shall stand hold purposes and interested in and intitled to my said messuages lands tenements and hereditaments hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to them as declared upon trust to permit and suffer my wife Elizabeth to carry on and continue my farming business till my youngest child shall be of the age of twenty one years and also in trust to pay to her my said wife all or so much of the Rents Issues and Profits of all and singular my said messauages lands tenements and hereditaments (except as aforesaid) and of all other my estate and effects as they in their discretion shall think necessary for carrying on the said business and the maintenance and education of my sons Francis, Edward, Charles and Richard and my daughters Sarah, Mary Ann, and Elizabeth until my said youngest child shall have attained the age of twenty one years and when and as soon as my said youngest child shall have attained such age then in trust by with and out of the said trust property to pay the following mentioned Legacies (that is to say) To my sons Francis and Edward the sum of five hundred pounds apiece to my said sons Charles and Richard the sum of six hundred pounds apiece to my daughters Sarah Mary Ann and Elizabeth the sum of five hundred pounds apiece to each of whom I give the same and if any or either of them my said sons and daughters shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful issue before he she or they shall be entitled to receive such legacy or legacies then in trust to pay the legacy or legacies of him her or them so dividing unto the survivor or survivors of them equally to be divided between them if than one share and share alike and it is my will that the provision of provisionship shall extend also to the accruing and also to pay to my said wife and her assigns for her life an annuity of fifty pounds clear of land tax property tax and all other deductions the same to be paid by four quarterly payments in the year and subject to the aforesaid trusts upon trust that they said William JENNER and John BARTON or the survivor of them and the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor do and shall as soon as conveniently maybe after my said youngest child shall have attained the age of twenty one years make sale and dispose of my said messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and farming stock by offering the same to my said son Francis at such price as they my said trustees or the survivor of them shall in their discretion adjudge to be the value thereof allowing him his proportionate therewith my other children therein and if my said son Francis shall neglect or refuse to become the purchaser then my will is and I direct my said trustees to sell the same either together or in parcels by public sale or private contract unto any other person or persons who shall or may be willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof for such price or prices in money as to them my said trustees respectively shall appear to be the most that can be reasonably had or gotten for the same subject to the annuity aforesaid and do and shall apply and dispose of the monies arising from such sale or sales by equally dividing the same unto and between such of my said sons and daughters as shall be then living share and share alike with benefit of survivorship as aforesaid and for making executing and perfecting such sale or sales I do by this will give unto the said William JENNER and John BARTON and the survivor of them and the heirs executors administrators and assigns of such survivor full power and authority to grant bargain release and convey all the said hereditaments and premises hereby directed to be sold in such lots and divisions as shall be thought meet to any person or persons his her or their heirs and assigns by all and every such lawful ways and means in the law as to the said William JENNER and John BARTON or the survivor of them or the heirs and assigns of such survivor or them or their or any of their council shall seem meet and necessary And I do hereby declare that the receipt and receipts in writing of the said William JENNER and John BARTON or the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor signed with their or his or her hand shall be a good and sufficient discharge or discharges to such purchaser or purchasers of all or any of the premises for so much money as shall in such receipt or receipts be expressed to be received and such purchaser or purchasers and pay my his her or their respective purchase monies and taking such receipt or receipts as aforesaid shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof or to be in any wise answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof or any part thereof I give and bequeath unto my said wife all that my messuage or tenement garden and orchard and premises with the appurtenances in the occupation of William PRICE together with the inclosure adjoining called Blakemoor or Far Ground situate in Chedworth aforesaid to hold unto and to the use of my said wife Elizabeth her heirs and assigns forever also upon my said youngest child attaining the age of twenty one years I give unto my said wife all my household goods and furniture plate and linen and other effects absolutely provided always and I hereby authorise and empower my said trustees or the survivor of them if they shall judge it most for the benefit and advantage of any or either of my said children on his her or their marriage with the consent of my said trustees or the survivor of them and my said wife to advance and pay to them either of them any sum or sums of money not exceeding one half part of the legacies to them respectively given and I hereby direct that my said trustees or either of them their or either of their executors administrators or assigns shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any more monies than they shall respectively actually receive by virtue of the trusts aforesaid nor with or for any loss of the said trust monies and premises or any part thereof so as such loss happen without their wilful neglect or default nor one of them for the other of them or for the acts deeds receipts or defaults of the other of them And also that it shall and maybe lawful to and for them by and out of the monies which shall come to their hands respectively by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to deduct retain to and reimburse themselves respectively all such costs charges damages and expenses as they shall respectively pay sustain expend or be put unto by reason or means of the trusts hereby in them reposed or in the management or execution hereof or any act matter of thing whatsoever in any wise relating thereto And Lastly I hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said William JENNER and John BARTON and my said wife joint executors and executrix of this my will and do revoke all former wills and declare this to be my only true last will and testament In witness whereof I the said Francis RADWAY the testator have to this my last will and testament contained in four sheets of paper (affixed together) to the first second and third sheets thereof subscribed my hand and to this fourth and last sheet subscribed and set my hand and seal this second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve
Signed Francis RADWAY

The writing contained in this and the preceeding three sheets of paper was signed sealed published and acknowledged by Francis RADWAY of Chedworth in the county of Gloucester Yeoman as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses Thomas STEPHENS Pearcy SMITH and Mark COWLEY

Above wills donated by Michael Tovey transcribed for a couple of local history classes that he ran last year (2000).