The last will and Testament of Thomas HILL son made on the 10th day August 1709.
In the name of God Amen my heavenly father and in Jesus Christ my blesed Redemer and in the Holy Goste my sanctifier, I commit my soule and body into their hands and then to rest forever world without end and my body to be buried in the Chancell of Chedworth, and as for my temporall Estate as followeth I beinge in perfect memmory first all my debts to be paide.
Item I give to my deare and loveing wife Ann fiftene pounds a yeare out of my freehoulde estate at Chedworth to be paid as to eaquall payments that is to say the one at Lady day or within forty days after and the others at saint micall or within forty days after if not then she to reenter in the hole for non payment and the old hall and the best camber overhead with halfe the goods and halfe the sellor and to the best beds and all that doe belong to them and wood for firing with a free egreace and regress without any deniall if she doe deni or refuse your maintinance of house during her naturall life and after her life then to return to my son Thomas againe and if my son Thomas dye and leave no Issue of him living after him and his wife if hee have anny and shee shall not cutt nor deface the lining from the next taker to his sister Mary RANDELL and her haires after his decease and his wife if hee have any and having no issue lawfull begotten of his body then to return to his sister Mary RANDELL and her haires forever and he or she that shall inherott the means shall pay to the other four score pounds apeece and if ar no be dead his or her children shall have the same porson among them and my will is that my dear wife Ann shall have out of my lease hold at Yanworth the sum of fiften pounds during her natural life to be paid at to equall payments that is to say the one at Lady day or within forty days after and the other at St Micall or within forty days after if not then she to reenter into the whole Estate for none payment and after me and my wife then to come to my daughters Mary and after her to her son Thomas and after him to her daughter Ann during the lease .
Item I give to her son William RANDELL Ten Pounds and to Thomas and Ann and Elizabeth five pounds apeece to be set out to prise? them a stocke
Item I give to all my god children five shilling a peece and to be paid within twell months and a day after my decease and I doo nominat and make my son Thomas HILL to be my wole and sole Executor of all my goods and Chattels in Chedworth and Else where and I doe apoynte Thomas DRAKE and Edmund HAINES to be my overseers of my last will and testament and I give them ten shillings apeece
(Signed) Thomas HILL
Mark of Alice HAINES, Mark of Hanah HAINES, Mark of Ann DRAKEAbove wills donated by Ruth Withers
The Will of Thomas Hill of Chedworth 1699
In the name of God Amen the seventh day of January in the sixth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William by the Grace of God of England, Scotland France and Ireland, King Devender of the Faith etc Anno Dom 1694, I Thomas HILL the elder of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester yeoman being weake in Body but of sound minde and memory doo make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following:
First and principally I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my Body to the Earth from whence it came. And for these worldly Goods it hath pleased Almighty God to Have blessed me with all I dispose of as followeth (that is to say)
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my daughter Bridgett the wife of Matthew JOCHAM the sume of Fifty pounds of Lawful money of England.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren following (that is to say) to Matthew JOCHAM the younger, William JOCHAM, Thomas JOCHAM, Elizabeth JOCHAM, Elianor JOCHAM, Bridgett JOCHAM Mary JOCHAM and Sarah JOCHAM sons and daughters of my said Son in Law Matthew JOCHAM and Bridgett his wife the sum of Five and twenty pounds a ppieceof like money. And to my grandaughter Ann the wife of Charles BALLENGER one other daughter of the said Matthew JOCHAM and Bridgett his wife the sume of Twenty pounds of like money.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alice the wife of Edmund HAYNES the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds of Lawful money of England. And to my grandchildren Edmund HAYNES the younger and Ann HAYNES Son and Daughter of my Sonn in Law Edmund HAYNES and Alice his wife the sum of three score pounds apeice of like money.
Item I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Thomas HILL and Mary HILL Children of my son Thomas HILL the sume of Fifty Pounds apeice of like money.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said grandaughter Ann HAYNES my Best Feather Bed and Boulster and Coverlett and one sheet.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said grandaughter Ann the wife of Charles BALLENGER my next best Feather Bed Boulster and Best Rugg
And lastly All the rest of my Goods debts to me owing, and Chattells whatsoever I doo hereby give and bequeath unto my son Thomas HILL the younger who I doe hereby nominate constitute and appointe the whole and sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other wills hereto fore by me made. And I doe hereby make and Appointe Giles PEACHEY son of Chedworth aforesaid Servier and John COATES junior of Chedworth aforesaid yeoman to be overseers of this my Last Will and Testament And to see the same faithfully performed.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year above written.
(Signed) Thomas HILL
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Thomas HILL the elder to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of
Gabriell ROBBINS
The mark of Thomas RODAWAY
Proved 15 May 1699
Will of John Hatherill 1671/67
In the name of God Amen I John HATHERILL of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester being sicke in body but of perfect memory thanks be given to God doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner and form following. And first I comend my soule into the hands of Allmighty god my Saviour and redeemer expecting through the meritts of Jesus Christ to have a Joyfull resurrection which Jesus of his mercy granted me Amen. And my body to the earth to be buryed att the discretion of my executor hereafter named.
And as for my worldly estate which god in his infinite mercy hath lent me I dispose thereof as followeth.
First I give to my eldest sonne John HATHERILL the sume of five shillings to be paid to him within one yeare next after my decease. And I will that his release thereof to my said executrix shall be suffycyent discharge for her although he should ---- be att the full age of one and twenty years when the sum may become due to him.
Item I give to my daughter Susanna HATHERILL the sum of twenty pounds to be paid to her att her age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to my sonne Gyles the sum of five shillings to be paid to him att his age of one and twenty yeares.
All the rest of my Goods, Chattells, Cattell and household stuff whatsoever moveable or unmoveable, my debts and legacies being paid and funerall expenses discharged I give and bequeath the same to Margery my loving wife whom I make the sole executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills heretofore by me made.
In witness whereof I the said John HATHERILL hath hereunto sett my hand and seale and have published this present writing to be my
last will and testament this seventeenth day of November in the two and twentieth year of the raigne of our soveraigne lord Charles
the second by the grace of gd king of England etc Anno Dom 1670.
Signed sealed and published in the presence of us The mark of
The mark of Thomas JONS John HATHERILL
(2nd sheet)
Memorandum that I John HATHERILL doe hereby will and appoint that Margery my now wife shall have the gaurdianshipp of John HATHERILL my sonne and I doe hereby appoint her to be the gaurdian of him. And she shall take the rents fines and profitts to all my messuages lands and tenements in Chedworth that were heretofore settled for his mother’s coverture untill my said sonne shall attain the full age of one and twenty years she maintayning him with meate drinke and lodging and such apparell as she shall think fitting for one of my degree she rendering noe further account for the profitting thereof than the said mainteynance heretofore my me appointed. And I doe hereby will that this Codicil be annexed to my will dated the seventeenth day of this instant November. In witness whereof I have clearly sett my hand and seale and have published this Codicil together with my said will to be my last will and testament this twentieth day of November in the two and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God King of England etc Anno Dmi 1670.
Signed sealed and published The marke of John HATHERILL
in the prescence of us
The marke of William ROBBINS The marke of Philip SLY