The Will of Thomas Drake of Chedworth 1714
In the name of God Amen I Thomas DRAKE of Chedworth in the Countie of Chedworth Mason being in health of Body & of parfect Memory doe make and Ordaine this my last Will & Testament in maner and forme following; first I comend my Soule into the hands of God that gave it and my Body I comit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter mentioned and for all such Estate as it pleased almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose of thereof as followeth:
Imprimis I will that my Debts & Funerall Charges be payed and discharged.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas DRAKE all my Freeland withine the Parish of Chedworth Except that which I bought of Jonathan MERRETT to him and his now Wife for their lives and afterwards to his heires for ever maintaining his Mother duering her life, and the Goods which was brought up from Hosbury Bridg to him and his Mother, and all things belonging to the Matting I give all the rest of my goods undisposed of I desire may be disposed of among the rest of my Grandchildren.
Item I give and bequeath to my loving friend Mr WALL a Broad peece of gold to preach my Funeral Sermon.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas WHEATLAND the revertion of the House which Thomas PALMER now lives in and that which belongeth to it after theire decease for ever and that plot of ground called by the name of Amstone and Twenty four Sheep Pastures and one Beast Pasture to him and his heirs for ever and one Silver bowle and one Silver spoon, But if the said Thomas WHEATLAND desires to have the meadow caled Teales Mead then he shall deliver up the Freeland to his brother John & he to hold it till he is possess of the Mill and after to be delivered up to his brother William to him and his heires for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson John WHEATLAND my Meadow caled Teales Mead for his life and the Mill duering his life when it falls after his Father’s death and one silver Goblet & one Silver spoon.
Item I give to my Brother John DRAKE one pound within one month after my decease.
Item I give every Grandchild a broad peece of gold and Priscila WHEATLAND her Grandmothers gold rings.
Item I give & bequeath to my Grandaughter Priscilla WHEATLAND the little House that was William Merrets and all that did belong to it and the little ground at Ray Brooke all which I bought of Jonathan MERRETT to her and her heires forever and one Beast Pasture and tenn Sheep Pastures & my Silver Tankard & one Silver Spoone.
I give and bequeathe ro my Grandaughter Hanah DRAKE Tenn Pounds to be payed her within one year after my decease and to be sett out for her by her Uncle Edmd HAYNES.
Item I give and bequeathe to my Grandson William WHEATLAND the House and ground and all the rest of that land and pasture undisposed of already to him and his heires for ever which I bought of Jonathan MERRETT all my Estate Except Thomas DRAKES to be lett out for the maintenance of the Children till they come of age to help themselves.
I give and bequeathe to my Grandson Thomas DRAKE the ground called the Croffts paying the fourscore pounds which I had of his wifes money when I bought the ground of Thomas ROBERTS.
Item I give to my daughter in law Tenn pounds to be payd her within one yeare after my Decease.
Item I give and bequeth to my Kinswoman Elizabeth BURROWS Twenty five pounds to be payd one month after my Decease.
Item I give & bequeth to my Grandaughter Priscilla DRAKE daughter of Thomas DRAKE & Ann his wife Ten pounds within a Yeare after my Decease & to be put out for her by her Uncle Edmd HAYNES.
Item All the rest and residue of my Goods and Chattles whatsoever undisposed of I doe give and bequeth to my Grandson Wm WHEATLAND whome I make my full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I doe hereby disannull and make voide all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In Witness Whereof I the sayd Thomas Drake to this my last Will and Testament have sett my hand and seale the 2nd day of September Anno Dom 1714. (Signed)
Thomas DRAKE
Godfrey WALL, Will DUTTON, William JOHNSON
Will of Ann Drake of Chedworth 1743
Thy Will be done the Last will and Testament of me Ann DRAKE widdow of the parish of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester made the seventeenth Day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and forty and the thirteen of our (King’s) Raine.
Item first I give and bequeath to my daughter Priscilla JOACHIM my furnis and Iron Pot . I give to my daughter Priscilla my truckel bedstid and my …. and bigest barel and a ould gint Churre and a trunk. I give to my daughter Priscilla fortey shillings to her and her heires forever.
Item I give to my grandaughter Hanna RANDEL my bed and Bedstid Bolstours and all bed close belonging to my Bed. I give my grandaughter Hanna RANDEL my chest of drase and a Round Table and a Cubord and a gint Stole and a box with a Lock on and fure pounds of mony all to her and her heires for ever and baril and litel ketel.
Item I give to my gransun Thomas JOACHIM my grate box.
Item I give to my granson Giles COATES an ould Cofer.
Item I give my grandafter Elizabeth COATES a litel Deske.
I mak my Dafter Hanna COATES my hole and sole Executrix of this my Last will and testament giving her all godes whatsoever which I have not Disposed of. To which I Do set my hand and sele making all voydable voyde before by me made.
The mark of An DRAKE
Sined and seled publishd and delivered the said testator Ann DRAKE and for his last will and testament in the presons of us Wm JOACHIM, Thomas HILL, Mark of Elizabeth SMITH
This will was proved the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord 1742 before the Worshipful Sir Henry Penrice Knight Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Spirituals of the Rt Rev Father in God Martin by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal Consistory Official Principal Lawfully Constituted by Hannah COATES Daughter and Sole Executrix and so forth to whom and so forth having first sworn well and faithfully to administer to the said will and also to Exhibit an Inventory and render an account and so forth.