In the name of god Amen I being some whot wake in body but of perfect minde and memory I Comermit my body to ye dust from whence I Came and my soul to god that gave it in hopes Of a Joyful Resurection At ye last day and As For my personable Estate which god hath blest me with in ye world I do freely give As in manner folowing which I do Acknowlag to be my last will and testiment Item I give and bequathe unto Martha my well beloved wife All my fees and in ye field being fifteen Akers lieing in three fields of Chedworth in ye County of Gloster that is to say two Akers in ye Korner fild and ten in ye west field and two and a half in ye over field Likewise I give unto my wife my house with ye Orchards and gardens and All things belonging to ye Same dureing her natuerall Life
Item I give unto my sone Giles COATES After Ye depart of my wife martha my house with ye Orchard and Gardens thare belonging during ye life but if
he die and have no Ishsheu and by him selfe before ye expiration of ye sone then my sone Robert COATES shall in Joye it
Item I Give and bequth unto my daugter Mary COATES twenty three pound to be paid when shee is twenty one yeares of Age
Item I give to my daugter Bety twenty shillings
Item I give to my sone Robert twenty shillings
Item I give to my sone John twenty shillings
Item I give to my daugter Martha twenty shillings
Item I give to my daughter June twenty shillings
All these leggasis is to be paid when the Children be of Age
Item I give unto my sone Giles twenty shillings to be paid when he Cometh of Age
Item I give and bequath unto Martha COATES my well beloved wife whome I make my lawfull Exexcutrix All my goods and Chatells what soever Ye Allmity God hath blest me with
Item I do make Robert WILKINS junr and William WILKINS ye over seeres of this my last will and testament to see my will parformed and I do give them halfe A crowne A peece to by them A paire of gloves A peece
Sealed and Delivered
In ye presents of Giles COATES his mark
Robert WILKINS Senior
The will of Thomas Coates 1724
In the name of God Amen. This 4th day of January 1724/25 according to the computation of the Church of England. I Thomas COATES of the parish of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester being of sound and perfect memory (praise be to God for it) do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my body to the earth to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as shall be thought meet and Convenient by my Executor hereafter nominated.
Item I give unto William GREEN my sister’s son one shilling
Item I give unto Richard MUSTAH my sister’s son one shilling
Item I give unto Joseph MUSTAH my sister’s son one shilling
Item I give unto Henerey MUSTAH my sister’s son one shilling
Item I give unto Mary SLY my Brother’s daughter one shilling
Item I give unto Sarah DAVIES my Brother’s daughter one shilling
Item I give unto Elizabeth FRANKLING my Brother’s daughter one shilling
Item All the rest of my Household stuff, Bills, Bonds, ready Money & goods whatsoever I give unto my son-in-Law Edmund HAINS upon condition that he shall pay all my debts & Legacies and keep & maintain or cause to be kept and maintained Robert GREEN my Sister’s son during the term of his life; and make Edmund HAINS my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament revoking and annulling all other Wills and Testaments by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year above written
Signed Thomas coats
Witnessed Edw PALMER George PALMER
Note Edmund HAYNES granted probate 3 January 1729
The Will of Alice Coates of Chedworth 1664
In the name of god Amen. I Alise COATES of Chedworth in the County of gloster widdowe doo make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following. First I commend my soule into the hands of god my maker and Redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Chedworth or elsewhere it shall please god to dispose thereof and as tuchching such worly goods which god of his great goodness hath bestowed uppon me I give and bequeath them as followeth
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Robert COATES twenty shillings of lawfull mony of England one flocke bed and all there unto belonging to be delivered by my executor within one yeare after my deacease
Item I give and bequeath my gran child John COATES five pound of lawfull mony of England one cowe and the bed in the lower chamber and all there unto belonging to be delivered within one yeare after my deacease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grand child Richard COATES five pounds of lawfull mony of England to be payd by my executore within one yeare after my deacease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grand child Allise COATES my new coverlid a pare of Holland sheetes and one pillowbowe to be delivered within one yeare after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto the rest of my gran children being five more in number five shilling a peece to be delivered by my executor within one yeare after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto the pore widows in Chedworth twenty five shillings to be delivered presently after my decease.
All the rest of my goods chattels and cattells of what nature or end soever unbequethed I give and bequeath unto (words obliterated) and (words obliterated) my full and whole executor of this my last will and testament wittnesse my hand and seale the day and yeare above written
Also I Intreat my loving frindes Robert SLY and John WILLIAMES to my overseers to see my will to be performed and for their paines therein I give them six shillings eight pence a peece.
Sealed sined in the presence of us whose names are underwriten
John WILLIAMS (sign) Mary ROBINS (mark)
Allice COATES Testator (mark)
Above wills donated by Michael Tovey transcribed for a couple of local history classes that he ran in 2000.
The Will of Giles Coates of Chedworth 1723
In the Name of God Amen I Giles COATES Senior of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester being sicke of body but of good and perfect mind and memory thenkes be to God do make constitute ordain and declear this my last will and testement in manner and forme following revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testement and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writing. And this to be taken only for my last will & testement and none other. First I commit my soule to Almighty God my redeemer and my body to be decently buried in such place as it shall please my Executor hereafter named to appoint and for the settelling of my temporall Estate and such goods Chattells Debts reddy mony wareing apparril I do give and dispose the same in manner and forme following viz
Imperatum I give and bequeath unto my son Giles COATES and to his assigns all and singular my lease land lying in the parish of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester purcheased of Sir Richard How as by two certain leases the one barreing date The 22 day of May 1695 and the other bareing date (blank space) for and during the naturall lives of my said son Giles COATES and my son Henery COATES as by the leases doth appear which said land I give settle and bequeath unto my said son Giles COATES for and during his said life and the life of my son Henery COATES to and for the proper use benefits and behoofe of my said son Giles COATES and also all and singular my freeland being in the said parish together also with all profits thereunto belonging unto my son Giles COATES and his heires. And also all my goods and chattels implements of Husbandry and household all my stock of Cattle Corne and Hay whatsoever and wheresoever to be found paying therefore all my Debts which by right I owe to any person and my funeral charges and all those my Legasies herein and hereafter given and bequeathed
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Henry COATES forty and five pounds of currant money of Great Brittan to be paid unto him within the time of seaven years next after my decease by my Executor hereafter nominated and appointed. Item give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorrathey COATES the sum of five pounds of like lawful money to be paid by my Executor to her within seven years next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah GREEN the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful money to be paid by my Executor within seven years next after my decease.Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hester CROOKE the sum of ten pounds of like currant money to be paid by my Executor within seaven years next after my decease. Item it is my will and reall intent that in cease any or all of my said children shall happen to die before the end of the said seven years that then the leagacey or leagacies above mentioned shall be returne and remaine unto my said son Giles COATES to whom I give except five pounds which I give to my grandson Joseph COATES and ten pounds which I give to my grand child Mary GREEN
Lastly I nominate and appoint my son Giles COATES to be my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testement. I witness whereofI sett my hand and seale the second day of August 1723. Giles COATES Senior (mark)
Sealed signed and acknowledg by the testator within named after the word twenty interlined in the presents of us.
Mary TILER (mark) Mary HARRIS (mark) Thomas WHEATLAND Senior (sign)
Above wills donated by Michael Tovey
Will of Hester CHAPPELL, 1851
Hester CHAPPELL of Stratton widow.
Will made 25 Oct 1850
Proved 21 March 1851
Sister Eleanor GLOVER
Other beneficiaries: Charles EDMONDS, and his sister Maria BURFORD, who are to be executors.
Witnesses Thomas Moss of Stratton & Mary Moss of Stratton
Charles EDMUNDS was 'of Stapleton Road, Bristol, Venetian Blind maker'
Maria BURFORD was 'wife of Jesse BURFORD of St Michael's Hill, Bristol.
[Charles Edmunds & Maria Burford are believed to be the children of Hester's other sister Elizabeth EDMUNDS nee BRIDGES - see will of Emmanuel
Above abstract donated by Ruth Withers
withers17@supanet.comThe Will of Thomas Court Yeoman of Chedworth 1808
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas COURT of the Parish of Chedworth in the County of Gloucester, Yeoman, being of sound Mind Memory and Understanding Thanks be to Almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following: First I subject and charge all my estate with the payment of my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the Charges of paying this my Will I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Betty COURT all and singular my Freehold Estate which I bought of Stephen DAY being the House I now reside in and another House now let by me to Richard ELTOME with all and singular the said Premises to hold her for her Life and after her decease then to my Brother Richard COURT to hold him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Also I give and bequeath to my Wife aforesaid the Use of all my Household Goods for her Life and after her Decease then to my Brother Richard his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Also I give to my Brother Stephen COURT and his Wife and the Survivor of them the Sum of fifteen Pounds per Year from my Decease for and during the lives of both them or the survivor of either of them to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named: I give and bequeath to my Sister in Law Mary COURT the Sum of Ten Pounds to be paid her in six months after my decease by my Executor. All the Rest of my Estate both real and personal Goods and Chattels Money Bills Bonds or any other Securities of what kind or Nature so ever I give and bequeath to my Brother Richard COURT his Heirs and Assigns and do hereby make constitute and appoint my said Brother Richard COURT sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twentieth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and seven.
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Thomas COURT as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of each other have hereunto set our Hands as WitnessesRichard ELTOM
William ELTOM Thomas COURT
John CLARKESworn under £450 24th April 1808 The above named Richard Court the sole Executor was duly sworn before me
Charles PALMER
Above will donated by Michael Tovey