OTHER SURNAMES MENTIONED: DIDE, FFREEMAN, SAUNDERS, WARNERWill of John Worner, Clothworker of Blockley, Worcestershire
10 October, 1657
Documents Online, Cat. Ref.: PROB 11/268
Dept.: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Name of register: Ruthen Quire Numbers: 359-410
Image Reference: 275/246In the name of God Amen: The Twentie sixt day of August one Thousand Six Hundred ffiftie and seaven I John Worner of Dracott in ye parish of Blockley and Countie of Worc Clothworker being sick of bodie but of perfect Memorie doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testamt in manner and form following: ffirst I [bequeath] my soule to Almightie God my maker and [redeem’], And my bodie to be buried in the [Parish] Churchyard of Blockley or where the [overseers] of this my will shall think most fit. Item I give to my sonne Isack Warner Twelve pounds of Currant English monie to be payed when [three yeares are] expired next after my decease. Also I give to my sonnes Thomas Warner, Richard Warner, Robert Warner, Edward Worner, John Worner Two shillings six pence apeece to be payed when two yeares are expired next after my decease I make & ordeyne my wife Margaret my sonne William Warner my whole Executors of this my will & of all my worldlie goods. And I make William Dide & William Ffreeman of Dracot overseers of this my will: to see the same performed. The [mke] of John Worner: / These being witnesse: William Dide: William Ffreeman
This will was proved at London the Tenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred ffiftie seaven. Before ye Judges for probat of wills & grannting Administrac’ons lawfullie authorized By the oath of William Warner the sonne & one of the Executors named in ye said will To whom was grannted Administraceon of the [goods] Chattels and Debts of the said deceased He being by Commissen first sworne truely to Adminster ye same./ September ye tenth: 1657
1. The Manorial Survey of 1647 shows John Warner occupied a fulling mill in Blockley and a messuage and a couple yardlands in Dracott, totalling 20A arable, 2 A meadow, and 6 A of pasture.
2. The Blockley parish records include the following children of John, who survived to adulthood:
Thomas, bap. 1616;
Richard, bap. 1622;
Robert, bap. 1625;
William, bap. 1627, went to America ca. 1675 with his son-in-law, James Kite;
Edward, bap. 1629, a Quaker who, with James Kite’s father, was imprisoned in 1660;
John, bap. 1632, moved 1648 to London; and
Isaak, bap. 1638, moved 1654 to London.
3. The probate post script has contradictory dates, viz. 10 October vs. 10 September. In any event, it is evident that John died around September 1657.William Widdows, Marston, Glos, 1713 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I William Widdows of Marston . . . . at Long Marston in the County of Gloucester Yeoman being very lame and infirm but of sound and disposing mind and memory for which Gods most holy name be praised I do make and ordain my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul to God who gave it in hope of Salvation thro' . . . merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour and my body I commit to the earth in hopes of a joyful Resurrection and as for such worldly estate and goods wherewith if hath please God of his infinite goodness to bless me I give and dispose thereof as follows ..... I give devise and bequeath unto my loving wife all my plate and Linnen and I also give her the bed bedstead and all the furniture thereunto belonging in the room called the chimney as a Chamber in my dwelling house which were my said wifes before our . . . . marriage Item I give unto my four sons William Thomas George and Benjamin one shilling each.
Item I give unto my daughters Mary and Martha one shilling each
Item I will and desire my Executors hereafter named to pay unto my daughter Joanna the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds which was left her by her Uncle John . . . Which I am obliged to pay her
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my loving son John and his heirs for ever all my messuages cottages closes lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever in . . . . . Aston Magna or elsewhere in the parish of Blockley in the County of Worcester whereof I now stand seized either in possession or reversion and all my estate and interest therein upon this condition nevertheless and my will is that my said son John and his heirs shall and will within one year after my decease pay or . . to be paid unto my son Job the sum of one hundred pounds and I hereby charge my said Estate [afayanging] Aston Magna with the payment of the said one hundred pounds and lastly I . . . Ordain constitute and appoint my said son John and my son Job Executors
of this my will hereby revoking all former wills by me made and
declaring this alone to be my last will and testament in witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of March Anno 1713.
William Widdowes. Signed and sealed and published in the presence of us who subscribed our names in the presence of the Testator
Tho Ff... William [Warner] Anne Saunders her mark